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Page Lab Clinic Introduces the High-End Lifting Laser ‘Sofwave’

Pagelab Clinic is proud to introduce Sofwave, a state-of-the-art lifting device that sets a new standard for improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.   As the demand for anti-aging and lifting treatments increases, various procedures to enhance skin elasticity are gaining popularity. In response to this trend, Page Lab Clinic has adopted the latest medical technology to improve its lifting offerings by introducing Sofwave.   Sofwave is an ultrasound-based lifting device that significantly reduces skin damage and discomfort compared to traditional methods. It utilizes SUPERB technology to target the mid-dermis layer at a depth of 1.5mm, generating 7 thermal columns that stimulate collagen and elastin production.   Significantly, Sofwave minimizes the risk of side effects, such as fat loss or skin depression, which can occur with conventional lifting devices, making it a safe option for patients with thin or sensitive skin. The treatment is versatile and can be applied not only to the face, eye area, and neck but also to delicate regions such as the hands, knees, and other joints.   Dr. Jeon Jeong Hwan, the head of Page Lab Clinic, commented, “With the introduction of Sofwave, we can now offer our patients more effective and diverse lifting solutions. We will continue integrating the latest medical technologies to provide personalized treatments tailored to our patients' needs.”   Dedicated to ongoing research and innovation, Page Lab Clinic aims to maintain its leading position in lifting and anti-aging treatments, striving to provide its patients with the highest satisfaction.     #pagelab, #page_lab, #pagelab_clinic    최지원 기자lifting clinic lifting treatments lab clinic lifting device


[오늘의 생활영어] for starters; 시작하자면, 처음에는

(Alice is talking to her husband Charlie … )   (앨리스가 남편 찰리와 얘기한다 …)     Alice: So what did the doctor say about your exercises?   앨리스: 그럼 의사가 운동에 관해서는 뭐라고 해?   Charlie: For starters he told me to begin walking thirty minutes a day.   찰리: 처음에는 하루에 30분 걷는것부터 시작하래.   Alice: Every day?   앨리스: 매일?   Charlie: Yes every day. And then after three weeks increase the time to one hour.   찰리: 응 매일. 그리고는 3주일 후에 시간을 한 시간으로 늘리래.   Alice: Did he say anything about lifting weights?   앨리스: 역기 들라는 얘기는 안해?   Charlie: Yes. He told me to start out lifting light weights like five pounds.   찰리: 응. 조금씩 한 5파운드 정도씩 들래.   Alice: Maybe you should join a health club.   앨리스: 헬스클럽에 가입하는 건 어떨까.   Charlie: I gave that some thought. I think I will.   찰리: 생각을 좀 해봤는데. 그렇게 할까봐.   Alice: I'll join with you.   앨리스: 내가 같이 등록할게.   Charlie: Really?   찰리: 정말?   Alice: Sure.   앨리스: 그럼.   Charlie: Let's join the health club that just opened.   찰리: 새로 연 헬스클럽으로 가자.   Alice: Okay. This is exciting.   앨리스: 알았어. 이거 신나는데.     ━   기억할만한 표현       * start out with: ~부터 해서 시작하다     "I'd like to start out with a salad and have the chicken for dinner."     (샐러드로 시작해서 저녁은 닭고기 요리로 할게요.)   * give it or that some thought: 신중히 생각해보다     "Think about mileage before you buy that car. Give it some thought."     (그 차 사기 전에 연료당 주행마일수 좀 생각해봐.)   * (something) that just opened: 막 개업하다   "That shoe store just opened last week." (그 신발가게는 지난 주에 막 개업했습니다.)오늘의 생활영어 starters 시작 starters he lifting weights health club


Alma Korea acquires trademark for Soprano titanium & Titanium Lifting

Alma Korea Co., Ltd. (CEO Doron Yannai) announced that they recently acquired the trademark for Titanium Lifting & Soprano Titanium from Korean Intellectual Property Office on September 26th.   Recently, customers confused because the copy equipment of Soprano Titanium has appeared so often. This trademark acquisition is expected to strengthen originality and reduce damage caused by similar equipment.   Soprano Titanium was invented as a hair removal device with three wavelengths made by Alma Laser, Israel. However, Korean dermatologists developed the lifting protocol based on the hypothesis that simultaneous emission of three wavelengths (755 nm, 810 nm, and 1064 nm) can transfer thermal energy from the dermis to the retention ligaments. Soprano Titanium can effectively improve elasticity and wrinkles and it has the advantage of being able to customize treatments according to individual skin conditions. Indeed, Soprano Titanium has been newly reinvented as a lifting modality by Korean doctors.   Even though the main Equipment used for lifting is usually RF or Focused Ultrasound devices, they are not laser devices. However, people misuse terms such as RF Laser or HIFU Lasers. So to speak, the term “lasers” are misused as “devices”.   According to Alma Korea, “The introduction of Soprano Titanium laser lifting is evaluated as a transition that surpasses the limits of the lifting market, which has been led by RF and focused ultrasound. The introduction of Titanium Lifting will be an opportunity to inform the true value and power of Korean Beauty to the world once again”. 강동현 기자 [email protected] trademark titanium lifting soprano titanium alma korea


[오늘의 생활영어] for starters; 시작하자면 처음에는

(Alice is talking to her husband Charlie … )   (앨리스가 남편 찰리와 얘기한다 …)     Alice: So what did the doctor say about your exercises?   앨리스: 그럼 의사가 운동에 관해서는 뭐라고 해?   Charlie: For starters he told me to begin walking thirty minutes a day.   찰리: 처음에는 하루에 30분 걷는 것부터 시작하래.   Alice: Every day?   앨리스: 매일?   Charlie: Yes every day. And then after three weeks increase the time to one hour.   찰리: 응 매일. 그리고는 3주일 후에 시간을 한 시간으로 늘리래.   Alice: Did he say anything about lifting weights?   앨리스: 역기 들라는 얘기는 안해?   Charlie: Yes. He told me to start out lifting light weights like five pounds.   찰리: 응. 조금씩 한 5파운드 정도씩 들래.   Alice: Maybe you should join a health club.   앨리스: 헬스클럽에 가입하는 건 어떨까.   Charlie: I gave that some thought. I think I will.   찰리: 생각을 좀 해봤는데. 그렇게 할까봐.     ━   기억할만한 표현     * start out with: ~부터해서시작하다   "I'd like to start out with a salad and have the chicken for dinner."   (샐러드로 시작해서 저녁은 닭고기 요리로 할게요)   * give it or that some thought: 신중히생각해보다   "Think about mileage before you buy that car.?Give it some thought."   (그 차 사기 전에 연료당 주행마일수 좀 생각해봐.)   * (something) that just opened: 막개업하다   "That shoe store just opened last week."   (그 신발가게는 지난주에 막 개업했습니다.)오늘의 생활영어 starters 시작 starters he lifting weights weeks increase


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