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2024 Global ESG Campaign Successfully Held in Bangkok, Thailand

Action for Clean Environment (ACE), a global non-profit organization dedicated to fostering global environmental activism, selected GyuMin Kim (Grade 9, Linfield Christian School) and SiHyun Park (Grade 11, Springfield Commonwealth Academy) as ACE Leaders to spearhead the 2024 Global ESG Campaign held in Bangkok, Thailand, from November 19 to 22.     Kim and Park successfully coordinated and supported several Korean CEOs who attended the 2024 Forbes Global CEO Conference, which took place in Bangkok, Thailand on November 20 to 21. Notably, the two students played a pivotal role in securing sponsorship, resulting in significant donations, including boxes of Korean noodles, organic soaps, and other products contributed by Korean corporations such as Simple Planet, Zestech, MyBEE, Woojin Management Legal Corporation, and IDEAS2SILICON Inc. The donations were provided to the Foundation for Children, a prominent charity based in Bangkok.     “It was a proud moment to witness two young individuals showcase their passion for leading a global ESG campaign and developing actionable plans with minimal guidance from adults. Their contributions had a tangible positive impact on the improvement of environment and the betterment of human lives,” said Tony Lee, Executive Director of ACE.     Reflecting on the experience, GyuMin Kim shared “This was my first time managing a global ESG campaign, and I can proudly say it has been a unique and rewarding experience.” SiHyun Park addred, “I hope this experience not only helps me grow but also inspires others to recognize the importance of ESG Campaigns.”    박원중 기자 ([email protected])campaign thailand thailand on in bangkok rewarding experience


Bacardi Korea Kicks Off “DWMY (Do What Moves You) Campaign” for Korea’s Bestselling Rum (IWSR, 2023) in collaboration with Artist Kid Milli

-“DWMY Party” scheduled in August, inviting the public to experience Bacardi     Bacardi, a premium rum brand by Bacardi Korea (CEO Ahn Jun Hong), is launching its "Do What Moves You (#DWMY)" campaign.   An invitation to enjoy hot summer days with Bacardi Mojito, this project has been prepared to support the millennials and generation Z who strive to focus on themselves instead of being guided by the opinions of others, under the slogan “Do What Mover You.” This is the 4th year of this campaign and each year offers a unique experience.   Bacardi’s 2024 DWMY Campaign is joined by Kid Milli, one of the most celebrated artists in the hip-hop scene.   The campaign starts by making an immersive communication of the message behind the DWMY campaign in the form of music and its music video, scheduled to be released on Tuesday, July 16. Announcing the glamorous launch of the 2024 program, this song depicts the courage to pursue one’s goals without being intimidated by others’ eyes and the confidence to focus on oneself through Kid Milli’s artistic language.   The new music will be accompanied by Bacardi Mojito limited edition packaging created in collaboration with Kid Milli. This kit is a convenient way to enjoy mojito, one of the best cocktail choices for Bacardi rum, and includes an exclusive glass designed in participation of the artist. This edition will be available through Korean supermarket chains and smart order.   The highlight of this year’s campaign is the DWMY Party in August. Guests will be able to experience the brand’s identity through a variety of content. From September to December, a series of sponsorship parties will be held in partnership with liquor and dining businesses across Korea to offer greater access to the brand.   Bacardi, a premium rum brand founded in Cuba in 1862, embodies the passion, energy and free spirit unique to the island country.   Warning: Excessive consumption of alcohol induces stroke, memory loss or dementia. Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects.       박원중 기자 ([email protected])korea collaboration campaign starts this campaign campaign in


민권센터 ‘가난한 사람들의 운동’ 참가

민권센터는 18일 미주한인봉사교육단체협의회(NAKASEC)와 함께 ‘가난한 사람들의 운동(Poor People’s Campaign)’이 워싱턴DC에서 주최한 ‘빈곤층과 저소득층 노동자들의 행진’에 참가했다.   이번 행사는 미 전역에서 200여 단체, 2만5000여 명이 참여한 가운데 ▶구조적 인종차별을 없애고 ▶가난과 불평등을 해소하고 ▶환경 문제를 해결하고 ▶전쟁 경제와 군사화에 반대하고 ▶도덕성을 되살려 보다 좋은 나라를 만들자는 뜻을 행진과 집회를 통해 밝혔다.   민권센터는 “플러싱에서 여러 커뮤니티 단체들의 회원 등 50여 명이 함께 버스를 타고 워싱턴 DC로 갔다”며 “버스에는 한인과 중국인·라틴계·흑인·백인 등 여러 인종과 민족이 함께 탑승해 플러싱 다민족 커뮤니티의 모습을 그대로 보여줬다”고 밝혔다.   이어 민권센터는 행사에서 “한국어와 영어·스패니시·중국어로 ‘가난한 사람들이 아니라 가난과 싸워야 한다’는 구호가 적힌 플래카드를 들고 행진을 했다”며 “NAKASEC 펜실베이니아주 가입단체인 우리센터에서도 10여 명이 참여해 힘을 보탰다”고 설명했다.   한편 이날 행사에서는 민권센터 박채원 이민자정의 활동가가 플러싱과 민권센터, 그리고 한인 전국 단체인 NAKASEC을 대표해 연설을 했다.     박 활동가는 “커뮤니티에는 저소득층과 서류미비자가 많고 저도 그 가운데 한 명으로 우리는 경제, 사회적으로 여러 장벽에 갇혀 있고, 서류미비 저소득층은 정부로부터 보호, 인정을 받지 못해 수많은 인권 침해를 당하고 있다”며 “아시안 또는 흑인·라틴계·백인·원주민 등 모두가 인종과 능력에 관계없이 양질의 교육·보건·주택 등 보다 나은 삶과 행복을 찾을 권리가 있다”고 주장했다.   이어 박 활동가는 “1100만 서류미비자 모두에게 시민권 취득의 길을 열어주지 않는 한 우리의 삶은 더 나아질 수 없다”며 “아시안 커뮤니티는 서류미비자의 16%를 차지하고 있는데 우리는 감금과 추방, 그리고 가족간의 생이별을 겪는 공포 속에 살아가고 있어 모든 서류미비자의 합법화는 상식적이고 도덕적인 해결책”이라고 지적했다.   또 그는 “시민권 취득이 모든 문제를 해결하지는 않는다”며 “생활이 가능한 수준의 임금과 안정적인 일자리, 모두에게 제공되는 건강보험 등 기본적인 인권이 보장되야 하며 모두 힘을 모아 미국의 도덕성을 되살려야 한다”고 밝혔다.   김은별 기자 [email protected]민권센터 미주한인봉사교육단체협의회 NAKASEC 가난한 사람들의 운동 Poor People's Campaign 박채원 이민자정의 활동가 서류미비자


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