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[오늘의 생활영어] keep (something) to yourself; 비밀을 지키다

(Kyle and Janice are having lunch … )   (카일과 재니스가 점심을 먹고 있다 …)   Kyle: I don't know what to do. I'm having trouble keeping up with my bills.   카일: 뭘 할지 모르겠어. 돈 내는 걸 다 못해서 좀 곤란하고.   Janice: I'm shocked. You've always been able to put money away.   재니스: 놀랐는데. 넌 항상 돈을 저축하는 편이잖아.   Kyle: I'm just not making enough money.   카일: 그저 돈을 충분히 못벌고 있는 것 뿐이야.   Janice: What are the chances of getting a raise?   재니스: 월급 인상 받을 확률은 없어?   Kyle: There's a very slim chance that I'll get a raise.   카일: 내가 봉급 인상 받을 확률은 아주 작아.   Janice: That's what you said last year.   재니스: 작년에도 너 그렇게 얘기했잖아.   Kyle: It's been three years since I've had a raise. The company says it can't afford to give raises.   카일: 내가 봉급인상 받아본지가 3년 됐어. 회사가 봉급 올려줄 형편이 못된대.   Janice: Why don't you get another job?   재니스: 다른 직장을 찾지 그래?   Kyle: Please keep this to yourself. I have an interview next Monday.   카일: 비밀로 해줘. 나 다음 월요일에 인터뷰가 있어.   Janice: Good luck. I hope it's successful.   재니스: 행운을 빌어. 성공적이길 바래.     기억할만한 표현   * keep up with (someone or something): ~를 계속하다   "She kept up with her rent payment until she got sick."     (그 여자는 아플 때까지 계속 임대료를 잘 냈습니다.)   * put money away: 돈을 저축하다     "Elizabeth put away enough money for her to retire."     (엘리자베스는 은퇴를 위해 돈을 충분히 저축했습니다.)   California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 비밀 janice are give raises having trouble


AIRS Medical Raises $20M in Series B

AIRS Medical, a healthcare startup based in South Korea, announced that it has raised approximately $20M in Series B funding. New investors have joined the round including Q Capital Partners and Hanwha Life, while Klim Ventures continues its support via follow-on investments since Series A.   Co-founded by graduates of Seoul National University in October 2018, AIRS Medical is a startup that enables digitalization of diagnostic tests based on AI and robotics technology in order to provide a better clinical experience for both patients and healthcare providers.   AIRS Medical demonstrated unparalleled deep learning technology in MR image reconstruction, consecutively winning 2019 and 2020 fastMRI Challenge hosted by Facebook AI Research (FAIR) and NYU Langone Health. The team has successfully developed and commercialized this technology into a product, SwiftMR™, to benefit a broader healthcare community.   SwiftMR™ is an AI-powered MRI reconstruction software that enhances MR images acquired under various conditions, contributing to higher throughput and better patient experience. It has received greenlight from Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) and US FDA in 2021. Since its official launch in Korea in Q4 2021, SwiftMR™ has processed more than 130,000 MRI exams in total and handles on average 30,000 exams monthly. Having proven the business model in its home market, AIRS Medical is planning to expand its business to other parts of the world including the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America with the support of Born2Global and KOSME-MATTER US Market Adoption Program.   In March 2022, AIRS Medical acquired artiQ, an AI- and robotics-based startup, that shared the vision of a world without sickness. Through this acquisition, the company has successfully added on in-vitro diagnostics to its technology portfolio including venipuncture automation. AIRS Medical aims to introduce consecutive diagnostic test solutions that innovate the cost structure of the medical field based on exceptional technology and clinical expertise.   "We believe we can transform the healthcare ecosystem by solving its current analog-dependency with data-driven medicine,” said Hye-seong Lee, CEO of AIRS Medical. “With the funding secured from this round, we will be taking our innovative diagnostic solutions to the global market.”   강동현 기자 [email protected] raises airs medical healthcare startup in series


[오늘의 생활영어] keep (something) to yourself; 비밀을 지키다

 (Kyle and Janice are having lunch … )   (카일과 재니스가 점심을 먹고 있다 …)   Kyle: I don't know what to do. I'm having trouble keeping up with my bills.   카일: 뭘 할지 모르겠어. 돈 내는 걸 다 못해서 좀 곤란하고     Janice: I'm shocked. You've always been able to put money away.   재니스: 놀랐는데. 넌 항상 돈을 저축하는 편이잖아.   Kyle: I'm just not making enough money.   카일: 그저 돈을 충분히 못벌고 있는 것 뿐이야.   Janice: What are the chances of getting a raise?   재니스: 월급 인상 받을 확률은 없어?   Kyle: There's a very slim chance that I'll get a raise.   카일: 내가 봉급 인상 받을 확률은 아주 작아.   Janice: That's what you said last year.   재니스: 작년에도 너 그렇게 얘기했잖아.   Kyle: It's been three years since I've had a raise. The company says it can't afford to give raises.   카일: 내가 봉급인상 받아본지가 3년 됐어. 회사가 봉급 올려줄 형편이 못된대.   Janice: Why don't you get another job?   재니스: 다른 직장을 찾지 그래?   Kyle: Please keep this to yourself. I have an interview next Monday.   카일: 비밀로 해줘. 나 다음 월요일에 인터뷰가 있어.   Janice: Good luck. I hope it's successful.   재니스: 행운을 빌어. 성공적이길 바래.      기억할만한 표현   * keep up with (someone or something): ~를 계속하다   "She kept up with her rent payment until she got sick."     (그 여자는 아플 때까지 계속 임대료를 잘 냈습니다.)   * put money away: 돈을 저축하다     "Elizabeth put away enough money for her to retire."     (엘리자베스는 은퇴를 위해 돈을 충분히 저축했습니다.)     California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 비밀 janice are give raises put money


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