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Mixsoon Enters Amazon's Premium Beauty Store, Strengthening Trust with Ingredient-Based High-Performance Skincare

Eco-friendly skincare brand Mixsoon has officially launched in Amazon's Premium Beauty Store as of January 3. Amazon's Premium Beauty Store is a curated section where brands are selected directly by Amazon based on product performance and ingredient verification. This selective approach ensures that only trusted brands are featured. Mixsoon's entry into this premium beauty store marks a significant turning point in the brand's global expansion and is expected to further enhance its credibility.   As a skincare brand focused on ingredient-based efficacy, Mixsoon has gained trust from many consumers by offering high-performance products that are gentle on sensitive skin, using natural ingredients. Particularly in international markets, Mixsoon has established itself as a luxurious yet effective skincare brand with its slogan, "Premium Korean Skincare Brand for Glass Skin." As a result, the brand has seen a steady increase in demand, particularly in the U.S. and other overseas markets.   Additionally, Mixsoon's flagship product, the Bean Essence, has gained significant popularity, ranking No. 2 in Amazon's serum category. Recently, the brand's response has become even more enthusiastic following the appointment of globally popular K-pop group ENHYPEN as its brand ambassadors.   Mixsoon spokespersons shared, "We will strengthen our presence and credibility in the U.S. market through Amazon’s Premium Beauty Store." They also added, "We will continue to introduce a variety of products on Amazon and work to lead the K-beauty trend." As the Amazon Premium Beauty Store selectively features only trusted brands, Mixsoon is expected to meet the demands of U.S. consumers who prefer 'clean beauty' and 'efficacy-driven' skincare, helping the brand expand its customer base. Furthermore, leveraging Amazon's extensive distribution network and global customer base, Mixsoon is expected to expand more its brand recognition and establish itself as a strong icon in the K-beauty industry.    최지원 기자performance ingredient amazons premium beauty store performance products


한인 공연 예술가 강주은 뉴욕 무대서 맹활약

  문학·영화·연극·회화 등 다방면의 예술 장르에서 퍼포머와 창작가의 경계선을 넘나들며 뉴욕 무대에서 활발히 활동하고 있는 한인 공연 예술가 강주은(JueunKang)이 주목을 받고 있다.     자신을 배우 그리고 ‘부조리 공연을 만드는 사람(absurdist performance maker)’으로 소개하는 강주은은 중학생 때부터 꿈을 찾고자 서울에 있는 가족과 집을 떠나 밴쿠버, 보스턴, 미시간을 거쳐 시라큐스와 런던에서 연기를 공부하고 2년 전 뉴욕에 도착했다.     그 동안 뉴욕에서 무려 16개의 독립영화를 쉬지 않고 꾸준히 찍어온 그의 활약들은 올해 결실을 맺으며 빛을 발하고 있다.     그는 ▶35회 뉴 페스트 영화제(35th New Fest Film Festival) ▶2023 뉴욕 단편 국제영화제(New York Shorts International Film Festival) ▶2023 스웨덴 보덴 국제영화제(Sweden Boden International Film Festival) ▶2023 런던 바운드리스 국제영화제(London Boundless International Film Festival) ▶2023 뉴욕 한인 영화제 KAFF (Korean American Film Festival) 등 유명 국제 독립영화제 수상·선정작인 ‘디어바네사(DEAR VANESSA)’, ‘콜라(COKE)’, ‘나에게서 멀리(FAR FROM ME)’ 등의 주연 배우로 연이어 출연, 뛰어난 연기력으로 세계 영화인의 주목을 받고 있다.     강주은이 카메라 앞에 있지 않을 때엔 주로 자신이 직접 극작 기획·연출 및 무대제작 그리고 퍼포머의 역할까지 맡으며 컨템포러리 광대극, 부조리극, 이머시브 전시 퍼포먼스 등 실험적인 융합예술 의식을 담아 경계를 초월하는 듯한 독특한 공연 형태로 관객과의 교감을 넓히고 있다.     특히 강주은의 대표적인 창작 부조리극 ‘조용한 섬들(ISLANDS NEVER SAY)’은 뉴욕의 ‘그래쓰루츠 극단’과 ‘더 쎌 극장’의 적극적인 후원을 받아 매진과 함께 성공적인 초연을 치르며 뉴욕 첼시 관객들과 평단의 열렬한 호응을 얻었다.     또, 그의 오랜 친구이자 콜라보레이터인 채 리(Che‘Li)와 공동창작한 광대극 ‘두 여자(DOO INDAYZ)’는 지난 해 소호 ‘플레이하우스(Soho Playhouse)’에서 개최된 라이트하우스 창작연극제(Lighthouse New Play Festival) 경쟁부문에서 5월과 7월 두 차례 연이어 관객 투표를 휩쓸며 ‘우수연극’으로 선정되는 등 뉴욕 오프 브로드웨이 연극계에서 신예 연극인으로도 떠오르고 있다.   ‘두 여자’에서 컨템포러리 광대극의 선진적인 작품성과 환상적인 케미스트리를 인정받은 강주은과 채 리는 그들의 공동창작 광대극 시리즈를 잇는 신작, ‘아무도 아닌 자들(SOME NOBODIES)’을 내년 4월에 무대에 올릴 예정이다.   ‘아무도 아닌 자들’ 공연 티켓 정보는 웹사이트(www.bricktheater.com) 참고. 박종원 기자강주은 공연 예술가 강주은 Jueun Kang 채 리 Che’Li absurdist performance maker 조용한 섬들 ISLANDS NEVER SAY 두 여자 DOO INDÁYZ 라이트하우스 창작연극제 우수연극 아무도 아닌 자들 SOME NOBODIES


Meet Brandon, Your Path to Posture and Performance

In the realm of fitness and wellness, an expert instructor can be the catalyst for personal transformation. Enter Brandon, a seasoned Pilates virtuoso who graces Hills Pilates Studio Bukit Jalil with his exceptional expertise. For those seeking not only a path to impeccable posture but also a route to elevated sports performance, Brandon stands ready to guide you on this extraordinary journey.   Brandon's approach to Pilates goes beyond the conventional. He is not only your gateway to a well-aligned physique but also your strategic partner in achieving impressive sports outcomes. If you're driven by a desire for better posture and enhanced athletic results, Brandon is the instructor to turn to.   His accolades are a testament to his commitment to eycellence. KIPA Certified Pilates Instructor: A recognition of his deep knowledge and skill in the art of Pilates.   ACE Personal Trainer Certification: Demonstrating his dedication to providing personalized training that yields remarkable results Fitness Instructor License Republic of China (Taiwan): A nod to his international recognition in the fitness community.   7 Years of Personal Trainer Experience: A wealth of wisdom and insights gained through helping individuals attain their fitness aspirations.   11 Years of Fitness Personal Experience: A foundation built on personal dedication and Tirstand understanding or the tiness tourney Brandon's passion for Pilates and his extensive experience make him a dynamic force in the fitness world. His multifaceted approach encompasses the nuanced aspects of posture enhancement and sports optimization. He believes that Pilates isn't solely about sculpting the body it's about cultivating the perfect synergy between strength, flexibility, and grace. With Brandon, Pilates becomes more than a routine; it evolves into an exhilarating pursuit of holistic well-being.   When you join Brandon's sessions, you're not just signing up for exercises; you're embarking on a transformative voyage. He understands that each individual's journey is unique, and he tailors his instruction to suit your specific goals and aspirations. Whether you're an athlete seeking a competitive edae or someone striving for better posture. Brandon's guidance is attuned to vour needs.   As a key member of our esteemed team, Brandon embodies the ethos of Hills Pilates Studio Bukit Jalil. His commitment to his craft and his clients resonates deeply with our philosophy of promoting holistic health and vitality. Brandon's expertise brings a new dimension to our studio, and we are delighted to have him as a vital asset.   Are vou ready to redefine vour posture and elevate vour sports performance? Brandon is here to guide you through this transformative journey. Let's reshape your body, optimize your sports prowess, and embrace a life of balanced well-being.    김진우 기자 ([email protected])performance posture sports performance better posture pilates instructor


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