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플러싱 ‘스카이뷰 몰’ 봄맞이 자선 이벤트

뉴욕시 플러싱에 있는 대형 쇼핑센터(쇼핑몰) ‘더 숍스 앳 스카이뷰(The Shops at Skyview: 이하 스카이뷰 몰, 40-24 College Point Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354)’가 K-팝 스타 가수 송승현이 출현하는 어린이 교육 프로그램 등 2025년 봄맞이 자선 이벤트를 개최한다.   스카이뷰 몰은 서머타임 변경이 된 뒤 맞는 첫 번째 주말인 오는 15일(금) 오후 2시부터 5시까지 몰 내부의 레벨 4에서 ‘Spring Forward/Give Back’을 주제로 봄맞이 자선행사를 갖는다고 발표했다.   이번 행사에서 주목되는 것은 한국의 유명 K-팝 가수 송승현이 행사 홍보대사로 참여하는 것. 송승현은 다양한 이벤트 중 어린이 교육 프로그램에 직접 참여해 참석한 어린이·팬들과 음악, 사진촬영, 서명 포스터 증정, 팬 미팅(Special Appearance) 등을 진행할 예정이다.   또 스카이뷰 몰 내에 있는 유명 브랜드 스토어들은 올해 봄과 여름에 유행할 각종 하이엔드 의류 콜렉션을 선보이는 ‘봄철 패션 쇼케이스’를 진행한다. 각 브랜드 스토어들은 참가자들에게 올해 유행할 의류 소개와 함께 패션 동향을 전해준다.     유명인들이 자신들이 아끼던 의류를 기부해 불우 청소년들을 돕는 프로그램(Spring Clothing Drive)도 열린다. 올해 행사는 퀸즈보로청과 퀸즈 공립학교들이 참여했는데, 퀸즈보로청장 등 지역 명사들이 의류를 기부해 판매하고 여기서 나온 수익은 PS 219와 PS 22 등에 재학 중인 학생들에게 지원될 예정이다.   이와 함께 ▶제이슨 리 미술가가 진행하는 미술 장식 현장 퍼포먼스 ▶스넥과 드링크 코너(리테일 상점 샘플 제공) ▶패치 만들어주기 ▶간단한 화장 체험(Mini Makeover: 세포라 레테일 스토어 제공) 등도 준비된다. 간단한 화장 체험은 웹사이트(https://bit.ly/3D6agn4)에서 사전 등록 필요.   행사를 맡은 웨슬리 신 지역마케팅매니저는 “이번 행사에는 퀸즈보로청과 공립학교 등이 참여해 큰 기대를 모으고 있다”며 “특히 K-팝 스타 송승현이 행사 홍보대사를 맡아 팬들과 만나기에 이번 기회를 놓치지 말고 많은 참여를 부탁드린다”고 전했다.     각종 이벤트와 쇼핑 정보는 웹사이트(theshopsatskyviewny.com) 참조.스카이뷰 몰 플러싱 스카이뷰 몰 The Shops at Skyview 스카이뷰 몰 봄철 자선 이벤트 송승현 K-팝 스타 송승현 홍보대사 웨슬리 신 매니저 Spring Forward/Give Back Spring Clothing Drive Mini Makeover


[Interview] 'Middle Schooler' Mr. Hwang Gio, Selected as Forward for a US Elite Team: "70 Games in 6 Months? No Problem Because I Love Hockey"

      "Major junior elite hockey teams in the US play at least 60-70 games from September to early March. They have over 40 home games and more than 20 away games. That’s why American players clearly know how to play the game" said Mr. Hwang Gio (13), who confidently earned a spot as a forward through the 'Greater Boston Junior Bruins 2011 Elite' team tryout.   Having seriously considered and practiced ice hockey since elementary school, Gio raised his skill level by watching NHL games and learning through repetition. Despite admiring his friends who entered middle school as elite players, he humbly stated, "I don't have that level of skill."   Gio, who chose a different path from his friends, independently researched tryout schedules for major US elite hockey teams online last year. He showcased his honed skills among local players with superior physical attributes and experience. We met Hwang Gio, selected as the final forward for the 'Boston Junior Bruins 2011' team, at the Hanam Ice Rink in Gyeonggi-do Province. "I was a very introverted person in elementary school."   With a face as handsome as a K-pop idol, a sturdy physique compared to his peers, smart eyes, and eloquence, Gio, in modern terms, is considered a "cheat character" (a term used for someone who seems too good to be true). Gio's father recommended ice hockey to him when he was in second grade, hoping it would help his son become more outgoing.    Fortunately, Gio, who skied every winter, did not strongly oppose to the idea. Gio laughed, saying, "At first, when things didn't go well, I didn't want to do it. But my dad enticed me with new equipment each time."   He continued, "Skiing is usually a solitary activity, but I liked the teamwork in hockey. Winning games was really fun," explaining why he gradually became more interested in hockey.   It was around this time that he became interested in the NHL. He said, "I really like players like Connor Bedard, the 2023 NHL draft first pick, and Will Smith from Boston College. I want to be as good as them." The infrastructure of ice hockey in Korea is still lacking. Elementary players often can't participate in tournaments if there aren't enough players in their grade. In order to gain more game experience, Gio played for various clubs, including Seoul Eagles, Golden Owls, Suwon IH, and Zenith.   Passing through various youth teams, he discovered his talent as a forward and established his position. With his fast speed and dribbling skills, he played as a left-wing and sometimes as a center due to his excellent goal-scoring ability. Currently, Gio has not definitively decided to become an 'ice hockey player.' He said, "Since I'm not following an elite path, it's true that I lack practice and actual game experience. It's a shame, but since academics are also important, I want to balance both studying and ice hockey." When asked about his dream, he gave an unexpected answer, "I want to work for global companies like Google or Apple and do programming." Gio is also a talented student attending a gifted education center.   He added, "I really love hockey right now. If possible, I want to do really well. It would be great to play as well as national players or NHL players. There's no priority between studying and hockey. At this point, I can't give up either," expressing his ambition. Gio will soon go to the US for his studies. Before that, he wanted to continue playing hockey in the US and searched for famous teams in Boston himself. Gio said, "I participated in tryouts for three mid-level teams, including the Boston Junior Bruins, which I ultimately decided to join." He recalled, "I was surprised during my first tryout. Usually, you get selected by dribbling and skating, but it was different in the US. The tryout lasted for an hour, with 15 minutes of dribbling before splitting into teams and playing games immediately. It made me realize how important games are."   Gio passed the tryouts for all three teams he participated in. He chose the Boston Junior Bruins because "The environment was the best. Gio personally experienced the competitiveness of American ice hockey. He said, "Most junior teams in the US have their own rinks. For example, the Bruins' dedicated rink is solely for ice hockey. Every team having their own rink means they play a lot of games." He continued, "In Korea, even if there are rinks, they are shared with the public and other sports like figure skating, so it's hard to maintain and improve game performance."   Local team players play 60-70 games from early September to early March, including over 40 home games and about 20 away games. Gio said, "The Bruins coach told me to be prepared to play at least 60-70 games when I return to Korea and to get in shape. I'm worried if I can handle all this while studying," he said, contemplating happily. "I definitely felt that they had a lot of game experience. It was a tryout, but they seemed to enjoy it while I was very nervous. They even changed positions among themselves, with forwards defending and defense attacking. Everyone was a multi-player." Gio emphasized, "I also want to learn how to play games naturally in the US."   Finally, Gio promised to share his experiences in the US after returning, including what he saw, felt, and learned there. He also gave tips to younger siblings and friends who love hockey, saying, "If you want to go to the US, don't think 'it will somehow work out,' but make sure to participate in the tryouts in March. It's best to find a team where you can play as many games as possible."    박원중 기자 ([email protected])Interview forward schooler hockey teams elite players ice hockey


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