Merz Aesthetics Ulthera Global Heads Visit Page Lab Clinic, In-Depth Discussion on Ulthera
On February 10th, the five global leaders of Merz Aesthetics, a prominent medical aesthetics company, visited Page Lab Clinic, the first stop on their schedule in Korea. During their visit, they held an in-depth discussion about Ulthera. A representative from Merz Aesthetics stated, “Page Lab Clinic is an official Ulthera consulting clinic and actively participates in academic conferences and lectures. Additionally, the clinic has demonstrated high-level treatment outcomes based on numerous Ulthera clinical cases from Korea and abroad, making it the ideal first clinic for the Merz Global Heads' visit to Korea.” Dr. Lee So You of Page Lab Clinic stated, “Lifting procedures are gaining popularity across all genders and ages. Consequently, the demand for specialized and effective Ulthera treatments is rising. This meeting provided a valuable opportunity to share our ongoing research and expertise to achieve outstanding results as Ulthera Key Doctors.” She added, “We will continue to lead the Ulthera treatment trends in Korea with pride and strive to enhance customer satisfaction with our services.” 최지원 기자aesthetics discussion depth discussion lab clinic heads visit